Anna Campbell

Anna is a black belt level KAP therapist with 2000+ KAP sessions. She facilitates KAP at our Austin clinic.

Anna was the first therapist that Transcends founders chose to train how to do our model of KAP. The Transcend founders chose Anna because she had a beginners mind and as luck would have it... Anna turned out to be a freakin' natural. Transcend has some of the best KAP therapists in the Ketamine space but Anna is one of the most naturally inclined and intuitive KAP therapists we have trained, and is very likely one of the best KAP therapists in the psychedelic medicine space (she is too humble to admit that though).

Anna helped the founders of Transcend to continue to develop our methodologies and has provided significant input as our clinic has grown, personally training every staff member, from admin to medical, in Trauma Informed care.

Before coming to Transcend, Anna received her Master of Arts in Counseling from St. Edward’s University in 2017 after completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Louisiana State University. Anna has accumulated 3 years of experience in a psychiatric inpatient hospital setting both as a pre-graduate practicum student and as a post-graduate clinician providing psychotherapeutic care to humans in crisis. Thanks to her background in this high acuity setting, Anna is very familiar with what it looks like to truly join a client in their darkest hour. This setting has also benefitted Anna’s professional development by providing extensive training in suicidality risk assessment and management, trauma-informed psychotherapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) methodologies.

Today, Anna brings her expertise as a trauma-informed psychotherapist as well as lived experience as a yogic practitioner into her work at Transcend by providing a form of therapy that focuses on the mind-body connection. Anna’s approach incorporates a framework of Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing, Attachment Theory, and CBT to highlight the neurobiological underpinnings of what “safety” means to us and how a lack of safety can affect our relationships, beliefs about ourselves, and beliefs about the world.

In session with Anna, you can expect her to bring a sense of realness and genuine warmth to the room, which she believes is integral for healing and growth. Without a sense of safety with another, one can't be expected to be vulnerable, and it's only in moments of vulnerability that growth occurs. She has been known to roll out a yoga mat and get on the floor with clients to join them in preparatory breathwork or somatic exercises pre-infusion. This down-to-Earth approach makes Anna a great fit for working with adolescents and young adults, which is a population she specializes in at her private practice outside of Transcend.

With Anna by your side during a KAP session, you will FEEL safe, and when one really feels that deeply, the important content and emotional experiences tend to emerge intrinsically without much work needing to be done. No issue feels too big or too small to talk with Anna about, she's just got it.

Individual KAP sessions with Anna Campbell LPC are $699 each.